
  • 2024-11-12-Deluge-Docker-and-Mergerfs

    I am updating a whole load of my self hosted software, including a spiffy new reverse proxy. Part of this has been replacing my torrent client with Deluge. However…The linuxserver docker image just would not download anything. It’s always either permissions or DNS, right?…well this was permissions, but not in the regular way.

    Turns out my MergerFS mount really did not like a certain setting (cache.files=off), so I changed it to cache.files=partial and it worked! Links here and here very helpful in working this out.

    12 November 2024 [Permalink]
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  • 2024-08-16-Omg,-a-Mastodon-Thread-as-a-Comment-Section

    I had initially integrated webmentions into this site and had my own mastodon instance. I let both languish and the mastodon instance broke. However, seeing what people like Carl Schwan and Graham Macphee have achieved in integrating Mastodon as a comments section is mindblowing on a static site.

    I wanted this kind of thing with, but it never really worked out so well.

    Surely this has got to be the next project…

    16 August 2024 [Permalink]
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  • 2024-08-15-I-Have-Time-to-Work-on-My-Site-Again

    Now I have joined the unemployed (technically I’m retired…) I have some time to revisit my site again. I forgot how much I enjoyed messing with templating to make things work how I wanted.

    I want to get posting again and update some of the guides I have written - mainly for myself, but also for the people who have also been looking at it (which I only know about from the spanky new install of Plausible I just finished).

    15 August 2024 [Permalink]
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  • Migrating from Proxmox 6 to 7 was surprisingly simple, I just followed the guide here and there were no issues at all.

    Recreating my reverse proxy container wasn’t too bad either, although it had me wondering if I should learn something a bit newer than Apache.

    Hopefully Webmentions still work, I’ll send one to my yearly targets page to see!

    24 July 2022 [Permalink]
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  • 2022-07-02-atom-is-dead

    Gutted that Atom text editor is being archived on December 15th! I’ve tried VSCodium’s not the same. Atom is so simple and clean! This whole site was written in Atom.

    I’ll have to try some other text editors. Sublime looks great…but $99USD for a text editor? Are you nuts??

    Maybe someone will fork it. I really hope someone will fork it!

    02 July 2022 [Permalink]
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  • 2022-04-06-Getting-interested-in-my-site-again

    I think I’m getting a bit more interested in the site again. I think now the Masters is out of the way I have a bit more headspace for hobbies and learning again. There’s a few things I want to learn about - CI (Netlify?), removing Google fonts and more indieweb stuff.

    I would be nice to turn this notes section into a Twitter-a-like with webmentions, but I’ve still got some work to do on the formatting!

    06 April 2022 [Permalink]
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  • 01 January 2021 [Permalink]
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  • 2020-11-14-Backup-Woes

    Ever try to run a backup that takes about a week…on a server that seems to crash every three days? So frustrating. USB3 might be fast…but it ain’t 13TB of data I want to transfer NOW fast.

    Down to my last 500gb on my backup server so trying to prep for a storage upgrade. Not happy about the second weekend in a row I have to work on it. think that the moment you cross about 4tb or data it stops being a hobby and becomes a part time job.

    14 November 2020 [Permalink]
  • Awesome!

    01 November 2020 [Permalink]
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  • I’m messing about with different options for updating my Kodi setup. Plex integration is a bit of a headache - the official Kodi Plex plugin hasn’t been updated in a long time. Enter…PlexKodiConnect. I’m just experimenting at the moment, but I think this has huge potential- it makes my media look so beautiful!

    29 August 2020 [Permalink]